Journal One

08.07 Yonatan Alexander 0 Comments

Nowadays, writing skill has become important things for our daily life since almost all of us do not know how to write something with a proper format or structure. Therefore, writing class in Widya Mandala is held in order to enhance yet develop our writing skill to get better. Surely, writing class has become my favorite class since I have no skill in writing at all.

At first, I was ashame of myself because all of my friends were good in writing. But, I have to push myself to learn more so that I can write better for the next time. I believe that if I have a will to learn something, there will be no more barrier in myself.

In the first meeting, our lecturers told us about the purposes of writing class, the importance of writing skill for our daily life and also how to make a blog. I have learned a lot from it and I am thanksful because of it. In the second meeting, I have learned about how to write a unique story for our blog. Then, I have learned about how to make proper sentences in English so that I can apply it for the next writing session.

Gradually, my writing skill has improved in a good way because of writing class. But still, I have to learn even more so that readers are able to understand what I am going to say in my writing. Thank you for reading, I hope you guys are inspired by this post!

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